Monday, April 24, 2017

post 2

how can you use a blog in your life? you can use a blog in your life bye using at a diary to express your feeling's on how you feel every day of your life like me i have misked feeling every day and i get lost in my feelings i have my own privet blog on how i feel and what i want to change in my life or what i wanted to change but could not change in my every day life.

post 1

what is a blog?A blog is were you can write all about your day and its like your personal diary.

what steps do you take to create a blog?

how can you use a blog in your life?

Monday, April 3, 2017


Welcome my viewer's to marquisha-eportfolio. I do lots of work on my blog and try to make my blog better.I want you here to show you how good a blog can be and how a blog can change your life and how it changed my life.I want you to make your own blog try it and see if you like it and see how blogger can change your life like it did mine.